Facts About Invisalign You Should Know
If you haven’t heard of Invisalign® in North Miami and its many benefits, then you’re missing a chance to fix your crooked or misaligned teeth. Invisalign functions as an invisible clear brace that can improve different orthodontic problems. Depending on the structure of your teeth, this dental procedure can be tailored to fit people of […]
Ways Smoking Affects Teeth and Gums
According to periodontists in North Miami, tooth decay and tooth loss are among the top negative health impacts of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. Studies show that smokers accumulate more plaque and tartar on their teeth than nonsmokers, contributing to gum disease. If you have a smoking habit, you’ll need to control it right […]
When Do You Need to See an Endodontist?
Any pain, whether severe or mild, can affect your life in numerous ways. That’s why many people, especially those who suffer from toothache, look for ways to manage their discomfort and find immediate relief. While painkillers can be helpful, only an endodontist in North Miami offers a permanent solution to the problem. Besides being fully […]
Benefits of Professional Teeth Cleaning
Professional teeth whitening might be an unnecessary dental procedure since you can clean your teeth by yourself; however, there are certain benefits that only professional teeth cleaning can do. If you’re looking for a reliable dental clinic that offers excellent teeth cleaning services, then you’re in luck. There are a lot of North Miami dentists […]
Know Your Orthodontic Options
If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, your orthodontist will likely recommend you get braces. Fortunately, you have options for orthodontics in Aventura, and you’ll never have to worry about your smile. We prepared some valuable information for you to give you a slight idea of what you can expect. What You Need to Know […]
Reasons Why You Need to See a Periodontist
More often, people only put focus on their teeth and forget that their gums need proper care, too. If you want to ensure that your dental health is in good shape, you must keep your gums healthy. Many people visit their dentists, but only a few take the time to see a periodontist in North […]
Questions to Ask Your Endodontist Your Root Canal Treatment
If you have a root canal appointment, then you’re most probably be seeing an endodontist in North Miami. Your dentist may have referred you to a reliable endodontist who can take a better look at your dental health condition. Your endodontist is the best person to do your root canal. It’s also great to ask a few […]
Water Pick vs. Floss: Which Is Better?
You may be wondering what method works best for cleaning between your teeth, dental floss, or a water flosser? Maintaining a healthy mouth between visits to your North Miami dentist requires brushing twice a day AND cleaning between your teeth daily. What Gets Your Mouth The Cleanest? Dental Floss or A Water Pick? For the best oral hygiene with the cleanest teeth and freshest mouth use BOTH a water pick and dental floss. They work in different ways to remove […]
Why Is A Beautiful Smile So Attractive?
Everyone loves a beautiful smile. How your teeth look not only affects how people see you, but also how you feel because straight teeth are essential to a great smile. Luckily, straightening your teeth is now easy, involves little discomfort and you do not have to deal with the eyesore of metal braces thanks to […]
3 Warning Signs of Dental Anxiety
Despite the rise of dental innovations including sedation dentistry in North Miami, there are still a lot of people who feel scared of going to the dentist. Here are a few signs you should watch out for. Signs of Dental Anxiety You Get Nervous As soon as you walk into the dental clinic and you feel nervous, this is […]