Poor Practices That Affect Your Dental Implants
While dental implants are considered one of the most durable dental devices, this doesn’t mean that they can’t suffer damage or fail. Dental implants in Aventura are an excellent investment, especially if you can make them last longer. To maximize their lifespan, you’ll need to avoid bad habits and practices that could harm your implants. […]
Can Cavities Form on Dental Implants?
If you’re missing a tooth, be glad to know that dental implants in North Miami can provide a long-term solution. But can cavities form on them? If you’re unsure whether dental implants are for you, here are some facts about these dental devices that might help you decide. Guide to Dental Implants Do Dental Implants […]
Is My Dental Implant Infected?
Since dental implants are made out of materials like porcelain, metal, and resin, they can’t develop cavities or tooth decay. However, despite being made of artificial materials, they can still contract infections because they’re attached to your gums. If you want to know whether or not you have a dental implant infection, you’ll need to […]
What Happens When You Get Dentures?
While getting dentures might be an easy procedure, it’s not without its share of difficulties. For instance, getting dentures in North Miami might be uncomfortable for the first few weeks of wearing them. Fortunately, as your mouth gets progressively used to your dentures, you won’t have to worry about the pain and discomfort. Dentures are […]
Orthodontic Treatment Options to Consider
Do you need braces? Veneers? Or maybe dentures? Orthodontic treatments are one of the most important and sought-after treatments in dentistry. Since there are plenty of devices to choose from, your teeth’s quality, condition, and severity will determine the most suitable treatment for you. Orthodontics in Aventura can offer you a variety of alternatives for […]
Is Dental Sedation Effective for Anxiety?
For some, going to an Aventura dentist can be a daunting and unnerving experience, especially if it’s their first time. If you think that there’s something wrong with you because you’re afraid of visiting your dentist, don’t worry, because you’re not alone. Many people have dental anxiety when it comes to dental appointments and procedures […]
When Do You Need to See an Endodontist?
Any pain, whether severe or mild, can affect your life in numerous ways. That’s why many people, especially those who suffer from toothache, look for ways to manage their discomfort and find immediate relief. While painkillers can be helpful, only an endodontist in North Miami offers a permanent solution to the problem. Besides being fully […]
Is It Better to Get Dentures or Implants?
Having missing teeth can be a great inconvenience when talking or eating. If you have multiple missing or damaged teeth, the chances are that you want to fix them as soon as possible. Luckily, there are plenty of options to choose from; you can get dentures or get dental implants in North Miami. With these […]
What is the Appropriate Age to Receive Dental Sedation?
Typically, it’s okay for kids to be afraid of going to the dentist, especially if it’s their first time; however, it’s still a question of whether it’s okay to have them sedated for their dental procedure. While patients can receive sedation dentistry in North Miami as young as two years old, this rule has some […]
Signs You Have a Dental Implant Infection
Dental implants are one of the most reliable tools used in dentistry. However, even though each implant comprises artificial materials such as porcelain, metal, and resin, they still could get infected. If you want help to identify whether your dental implants in Aventura have developed an infection, here are some warning signs to check for. […]