Can Braces Prevent You From Playing Musical Instruments?

One of the most common inquiries we get, as well as, the major concerns for most teenagers who are about to get their braces done is whether or not they can still play their musical instruments. Any musical instrument that entails the use of the mouth may seem like it’s not allowed when you have […]

What Causes Buck Teeth?

Buck teeth or protruding teeth is a common orthodontics Aventura problem. Whether for health or aesthetic reasons, a lot of people want their buck teeth corrected. The bright side is that there are numerous dental solutions to address this problem. One of the most effective solutions is clear aligner technology. With this, your buck teeth […]

How Do I Take Care of My Teeth Immediately Following Surgery?

After you had your dental implants Sunny Isles FL surgery, there are still several things to do. It is essential that you follow all the instructions and recommendations concerning oral hygiene in order to make your dental implant surgery successful. Replacement of one or more lost teeth with dental implants is considered to be an […]

When Should I Seek Help About Pain in my Mouth?

You’ve got a pain in your mouth and have been told to see an Endodontist. An Endodontist North Miami is not only a general dentist but also has advanced training and expertise in both treating and diagnosing dental issues concerning the soft tissues inside the tooth. These specialists conduct routine procedures as well as complex […]

Dental Implants Aventura | Basic Facts You Need to Know About Endosteal Implants

There are several types of dental implants Aventura. The most commonly used types are subperiosteal and endosteal. In discussing the different types of dental implants, it is best to discuss it one at a time. Hence, this post will tackle the common facts about endosteal implants. What You Should Know About Endosteal Implants What Is […]

Dental Implants North Miami | Your Ultimate Guide to Zygomatic Implants

Dental implants North Miami offers various types of dental implants. Some of these are Zygomatic Implants, Subperiosteal Implants, and Endosteal Implants. This article will tackle about first type – Zygomatic Implants. Also, you can scan through our blog to know more about the types of dental implants. A zygomatic implant is an ideal dental solution […]

North Miami Dentist | How Aspirin Products Affect Your Oral Health

Aspirin is used to help people who are unlucky to have heart conditions. It is a common pain relief medication that also prevents any potential heart attack. However, when it comes to oral health care, the effects have been debated for several years. A North Miami dentist supports numerous studies that justify the theory that […]

Dental Implants Sunny Isles FL | Misnomers About Dental Implants

Dental implants Sunny Isles FL are known to be the standard of care when it comes to missing or lost teeth. It is a prosthetic replacement that is embedded and fused into the jawbone over a few months. In short, this surgical fixture serves as a replacement bridge or tooth. Therefore, having a dental implant […]

Sedation Dentistry North Miami | How to Relax in a Dentist’s Chair

When your phone’s alarm goes off to remind you of your dental appointment later, what do you do? Most people feel a paralyzing fear cascade through their bodies whenever they are reminded to see their dentist. Believe it or not but it’s actually a normal reaction for more than half the population in America. For […]

Dentures North Miami | Caring for Your Dentures

When you lose several teeth, you have plenty of options to replace them artificially. One of the most popular tooth replacement treatments today is dentures North Miami. Although dentures are built and designed to last a long time if you don’t care for them properly you’ll find yourself replacing them sooner. It’s vital that you […]