The term “gingival recession” (also known as “receding gums”) is described as the gradual loss of gum tissue, which, if left untreated, might eventually expose the tooth root. According to North Miami dentists, although it can start in adolescence, gum recession is most prevalent in individuals over 40. The early stages of gum recession might be challenging to self-diagnose because the changes frequently occur gradually and asymptomatically.
To help you understand this condition here’s all there is to know about gum recession.
Facts About Gum Recession
What Are the Symptoms of Gum Recession?
Sensitive Teeth
The dentin tubules beneath will become more sensitive to outside stimuli as the gums recede far enough to reveal the cementum encasing the tooth root. One of the key indicators of a more severe case of gum recession is the presence of visible roots.
Longer-appearing Teeth
People who suffer gingival recession frequently have a “toothy” smile. The teeth’s length is entirely normal, but because the gum tissue has receded, the teeth appear longer than they are. Halitosis, swelling, and bleeding are also signs of gingivitis or periodontal disease. If a bacterial infection is not properly treated, the gums will begin to pull away from the teeth, which could result in tooth loss.
Gum Recession Factors
Dental professionals regularly identify and treat gum recession, a very common issue. It’s crucial to do a thorough examination of the afflicted areas and to identify the true cause of the issue. Once the origin of the gum recession has been identified, surgical and non-surgical techniques can be carried out to arrest its progression and stop it from happening again.
Are You Looking for a Reliable North Miami Dentist?
At Biscayne Dental Center, we can help you manage your gum disease before it can affect your healthy teeth. Give us a call to start your treatment!