If you’re wondering whether dental implants in Sunny Isles, FL, last forever, then you’re not the only one. Even though this dental device has improved countless lives, many still have questions about this procedure. One question, in particular, is regarding its durability and longevity.

While dental implants are a great way to replace damaged or missing teeth, you shouldn’t take them for granted if you want them to last long. If you want to know if these implants can last forever, here are some facts about dental implants that you might want to know.

Illustration of Dental Implants in Sunny Isles FLFacts About Dental Implants

Do They Last Forever?

While dental implants could, indeed, last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance, this doesn’t mean that they will definitely last forever. There are some issues that could arise that could shorten their lifetime. Generally, however, implants can last for over 25 years. 

Factors Affecting the Longevity of Dental Implants

While dental implants can last a lifetime, this can be shortened by poor oral hygiene. To help you understand these factors, here are some elements that could affect the longevity of your dental implants. 

One of the most important factors that could affect the longevity of your implants is your oral hygiene. You still need to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. This will ensure no plaque or tartar is building up in your dental implants. 

Eating sugary, sticky, or hard foods can negatively affect your implant’s lifespan. If you want to improve the health of your implants, you should avoid eating these types of food. 

Another factor that can affect longevity is smoking cigarettes or drinking excessively. People who often smoke and drink are at a higher risk of implant failure than those who don’t. Avoiding cigarettes and alcohol is essential if you want your dental implants to last long.

Illustration of Dental Implants in Sunny Isles FLDo You Need Dental Implants in Sunny Isles, FL?

Practicing proper oral hygiene and eating healthy goes a long way in prolonging the lifespan of your dental implants. At Biscayne Dental Center, we provide long-lasting dental implants for our patients. If you want to learn more about this procedure, call us today!